Winter Way


Xunta de Galicia (Galician Regional Government)


220 Km.


Regions / Municipalities
Coruña | León | Lugo | Ourense | Pontevedra
Cfb - Temperate oceanic (mild summer), Csb - Temperate Mediterranean
10E+01, 3150, 3170, 3250, 3260, 3270, 4020, 4030, 4060, 4090, 5120, 5210, 5230, 6110, 6160, 6170, 6210, 6220, 6230, 6410, 6420, 6430, 6510, 7110, 7140, 7150, 7220, 8130, 8210, 8220, 8230, 8310, 9, 9180, 9230, 9260, 92A0, 9330, 9340, 9380, 9540
111, 112, 121, 141, 211, 212, 221, 231, 242, 243, 311, 312, 313, 321, 322, 324, 333, 512
Ancares - Courel | Monte Faro | Montes Aquilanos | Montes Aquilanos y Sierra de Teleno | Riberas del Río Sil y afluentes | Río Cabe | Serra da Enciña da Lastra | Sierra de la Encina de la Lastra | Sistema fluvial Ulla - Deza
Ancares - Courel, Las Médulas, Monte Faro, Río Cabe, Serra da Enciña da Lastra, Sistema fluvial Ulla-Deza
Las Médulas UNESCO World Heritage Site | Ribeira Sacra Winery | Roman Canals | The Campo da Braña-Pombriego
Las Médulas is a UNESCO World Heritage site that is protected under the Cultural Heritage Law of Castilla y León. A plan is being prepared with the participation of local communities to establish rules concerning the conservation of the area. Protected areas under the Habitats Directive.