Leonese Lebaniego Way


The Lebaniego Way Foundation


31 Km.


Regions / Municipalities
Llánaves de la Reina - Ledantes - Villaverde - Bores - La Vega - Tudes - Potes - Camaleño
Cfb - Temperate oceanic (mild summer), Cfb - Temperate oceanic (mild summer), Dfb - Hemiboreal without dry season (moderate summer), Dfb - Hemiboreal without dry season (moderate summer)
10E+01, 4020, 4030, 4060, 4090, 5120, 6140, 6160, 6170, 6210, 6230, 6430, 6510, 7220, 7230, 8130, 8210, 8220, 8230, 9, 9120, 9230, 92A0, 9330, 9340, 9560
112, 231, 243, 311, 312, 321, 322
Liébana | Rio Deva
Liébana, Montaña de Riaño y Mampodre, Río Deva
Basilica of San Isidoro | Cathedral of León | Historic Ensemble of Sahagún | Church of San Salvador de Valdediós | Church of Santa María de Bendones | Church of Santa María del Castillo | Monastery of San Miguel de Escalada
Proyecto Steps for LIFE - transformación de caminos no motorizados de largo recorrido en infraestructura verde multifuncional, Classified as World Hertigae Site, Part of the Picos de Europa National Park, Parts protected by the Natura 2000 Network, Forest Interpretation Center and Arboretum, Oyambre Natural Park